Spring annotations
Spring annotations

spring annotations

Spring – Annotation-based Inversion of Control (IoC) Here is the example application using annotation.Spring Tutorial Spring Framework Introduction Spring Inversion of Control (IoC) Spring Dependency Injection (DI) Spring Bean Scopes Spring Bean Lifecycle Spring Annotations Spring Annotations Spring Inversion of Control using annotations Spring bean scopes using annotations Spring bean lifecycle using annotations Autowiring Autowiring Autowiring by Constructor Injection Autowiring by Setter Injection Autowiring by Field Injection Spring Configuration Spring configuration using Spring beans using Injecting values from Property Files Spring AOP Before Advice Pointcut Expressions AfterReturning Advice AfterThrowing Advice After Advice Around Advice Spring MVC Spring MVC Tutorial Spring MVC Example Spring MVC Example – Reading HTML form data Spring Model Interface Spring Annotation Spring MVC Form Tag Library Spring MVC Form Tags Form Text field Example Form Drop-down Example Form Radio Button Example Form Checkboxes Example Spring MVC Form Validation Spring MVC Form Validation Number Range Validation Regular Expression Validation Custom Validation This can be done through XML, JavaConfig, Annotations and Programatically.ĪnnotationConfigApplicationContext context = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext() Ĭontext.getEnvironment().setActiveProfiles("live") We have to use to tell the currently active profile. How do we tell the container that which profile is active now to pick up the right configurations. Where as you also do it in the class level. This example uses the method type annotation (Spring 4 improvements).

spring annotations

The syntax for this annotation is If a bean or method marked with annotation will be associated with that particular profile name. By using the annotation, a suitable data source will be invoked by the test Annotation

spring annotations

This example declares data source for dev and prod. I have written a very simple example to demonstrate the power of feature in Spring 4. Spring Profiles provide a way to segregate parts of your application configuration and make it only available in certain environments. This tutorial provide simple example for annotation. That gives more control and eliminate the need for creating multiple configuration files. Prior to Spring 4, only bean level annotation is supported by With Spring 4, this can be used in the method level. annotation helps developers to create multiple configurations details for different environments. List of Spring Tutorials : Spring annotation is introduced as part of the Spring Framework 3.1 release. The solution for the above problem is to create different profiles for each environment and enable them when you move to another environment. You would have to adjust the configurations to point to new environment details like Database, etc.


The challenges arises when you want to move your source code to different environments.

spring annotations

In this scenario, the underlying resources (ie, database, file system, etc) for each environment would be different. If you are working for a real time projects, it is often basic requirement to have the different environments like development, testing and production. Also this tutorial explains the new improvements in the Spring 4.0 release and how it is different from the older releases.


This tutorial explain how to enable profiles in your spring application for different environments.

Spring annotations